Publications in refereed Journals
The articles are Copyright © by the respective
publishers, and may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other
use requires prior permission of the author and the respective publisher.
207. "Nullclines entanglement induced topological transitions
in driven liquid crystal cells"
Marcel G. Clerc, R. Gajardo-Pizarro,
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 188, 115447 (2024).
206. "Characterization of Faraday patterns and spatiotemporal
chaos in parametrically driven dissipative systems" L.I. Reyes,
L.M. Perez, L. Pedraja-Rejas, P. Diaz, J. Mendoza, J. Bragard,
M.G. Clerc, D. Laroze,
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 186, 115244 (2024).
205. "Nonreciprocal feedback induces migrating oblique
and horizontal banded vegetation patterns in hyperarid landscapes",
B. Hidalgo-Ogalde, D. Pinto-Ramos, M.G. Clerc and M. Tlidi,
Rep. 14, 14635 (2024).
204. "Nonlinear wave propagation in a bistable optical
chain with nonreciprocal coupling"
P.J. Aguilera-Rojas, K. Alfaro-Bittner, M.G. Clerc, M. Diaz-Zuniga,
A. Moya, D. Pinto-Ramos, and R.G. Rojas Commun.
Phys. 7, 195 (2024).
203. "Optical feedback-induced spatiotemporal patterns
with power law spectra in a liquid crystal light valve"
Pedro J. Aguilera-Rojas, Marcel G. Clerc, and Simon Navia,
Optics Letters 49, 3292 (2024).
202. "Fingerprint pattern bi-turbulence in a driven dissipative
optical system"
P.J. Aguilera-Rojas, M.G. Clerc, S. Echeverria-Alar, Y. Soupart,
M. Tlidi,
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 182, 114851 (2024).
201. "Topological transition between disordered patterns
through heating rate-induced defect emergence"
Victor Fernandez-Gonzalez, Sebastian Echeverria-Alar, Jorge Vergara,
Paulina I. Hidalgo, Marcel G. Clerc
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 180, 114508 (2024).
200. "Faraday kinks connecting parametric waves in magnetic
Alejandro O. Leon a, Ernesto Berrios-Caro, Alejandra Leon, and
Marcel G. Clerc,
Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 131, 107841 (2024).
199. "Experimental characterization of quasiperiodic route
to chaos in a VECSEL with SESAM"
Camila Castillo-Pinto, Marcel Clerc, Heidi Ottevaere, AND Krassimir
Optics Letters 49, 383 (2024).
198."Non-linear and non-local plantplant interactions
in arid climate: Allometry,criticality and desertification"
M. Tlidi, M. Messaoudi, A. Makhoute, D. Pinto-Ramos, M.G. Clerc,
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 178, 114311 (2024).
197."Transition from traveling to motionless pulses in
semiconductor lasers with saturable absorber"
F.R. Humire, K. Alfaro-Bittner, M.G. Clerc, R.G. Rojas
Physica D 458, 133994 (2024).
196."Traveling spiral wave chimeras in coupled oscillator
systems: emergence, dynamics, and transitions"
M Bataille-Gonzalez, M G Clerc, E Knobloch and Omel´chenko,
J. Phys. 25, 103023 (2023)
195."Topological defects law for migrating banded vegetation
patterns in arid climates"
D. Pinto-Ramos, M. G. Clerc, and M. Tlidi
Adv., 9, eadf6620 (2023).
194."Isolas of localized structures and Raman-Kerr frequency
combs in micro-structured resonators"
M. Tlidi, M. Bataille-Gonzalez, M.G. Clerc, L. Bahloul, S. Coulibaly,
B. Kostet, C. Castillo-Pinto, K. Panajotov
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 174, 113808 (2023)
193."Giant boundary layer induced by nonreciprocal coupling
in discrete systems"
D. Pinto-Ramos, K. Alfaro-Bittner, M.G. Clerc, R.G. Rojas
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 125, 107391 (2023).
192."Chirality transfer to harness mesophase transitions
in liquid crystal mixtures containing an oxadiazole derivative"
MG Clerc, AH Cornejo, S Echeverría-Alar, G González-Cortés,
PI Hidalgo, PJ Luo, MJ Morel, J Vergara, and M Wilson
Liquid Crystals, DOI: 10.1080/02678292.2023.2226626
191."Extreme Events Prediction from Nonlocal Partial Information
in a Spatiotemporally Chaotic Microcavity Laser"
V.A. Pammi, M.G. Clerc, S. Coulibaly, and S. Barbay,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 223801 (2023).
190. "Effect of heterogeneous environmental conditions
on labyrinthine vegetation patterns,"
Sebastián Echeverría-Alar, D. Pinto-Ramos, M. Tlidi,
and M.G. Clerc,
Phys. Rev. E, 107, 054219 (2023).
189. "Emergence of disordered branching patterns
in confined chiral nematic liquid crystals,"
Sebastián Echeverría-Alar, M.G. Clerc, and Ignacio
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 120, 2221000120 (2023).
188. "The universal law of the front speed close
to disappearance of bistability,"
P.J. Aguilera-Rojas, K. Alfaro-Bittner, M.G. Clerc, G. González-Cortés,
and R.G. Rojas,
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 169, 113241 (2023).
186. "Fronts connecting stripe patterns with a
uniform state: Zigzag coarsening dynamics, and pinning effect,"
Marcel G. Clerc, Daniel Escaff and Rene G. Rojas
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 165, 112775 (2022).
185. "Computing using pulse collisions in lattices
of excitable microlasers,"
L. Soun, K. Alfaro-Bittner, M.G. Clerc, and S. Barbay
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 164, 112537 (2022).
184. "Vegetation covers phase separation in inhomogeneous
D. Pinto-Ramos, S. Echeverria-Alar, M.G. Clerc, and M. Tlidi
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 163, 112518 (2022).
183. "Voltage-driven multistability and chaos in
magnetic films,"
Susana Contreras-Celada, M.G. Clerc, Saliya Coulibaly, Rene G.
Rojas, Alejandro O. Leon,
J. Magn. Magn. Mater 562, 169793 (2022)
182. "Dancing vortices in a driven nematic liquid
crystal cell: Theory and experiment,"
M.G. Clerc, M. Ferre, R. Gajardo-Pizarro, and V. Zambra,
Phys. Rev. E 106, L012201 (2022).
181. "Precursors-driven machine learning prediction
of chaotic extreme pulses in Kerr resonators,"
S. Coulibaly, F. Bessin, M.G. Clerc, and A. Mussot
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 160, 112199 (2022).
180. "Finger front propagation in smectic-A Fréedericksz
M.G. Clerc, G. González-Cortés, Mauricio J. Morel,
P. I. Hidalgo, and J. Vergara
Phys. Rev. E 105, 054701 (2022).
177. "Localized states with nontrivial symmetries:
Localized labyrinthine patterns,"
M.G. Clerc, S. Echeverria-Alar, and M. Tlidi
Phys. Rev. E 105, L012202 (2022).
176. "Chaos on a saturable optical dimer,"
Rodrigo A. Vicencio, and Marcel G. Clerc,
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 153, 111488 (2021).
175. "Localized standing waves induced by spatiotemporal
P. J. Aguilera-Rojas, M.G. Clerc, G. Gonzalez-Cortes, and G. Jara-Schulz,
Phys. Rev. E 104, 044209 (2021).
174. "Nonlinear Localization of Dissipative Modulation
AU Nielsen, Y Xu, C Todd, M Ferre, M.G. Clerc, S. Coen, SG. Murdoch,
and M Erkintalo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 123901 (2021).
172. "Moving spiral wave chimeras,"
M. Bataille-Gonzalez, MG Clerc, and O.E. Omel´chenko
Phys. Rev. E 104, L022203 (2021).
171. "A quasi-periodic route to chaos in a parametrically
driven nonlinear medium,"
A.M. Cabanas, R. Rivas, L.M. Perez, J.A. Velez, P. Diaz, MG Clerc,
H. Pleiner, D Laroze, B.A. Malomed,
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 151, 111089 (2021) .
170. "Light beam induced finger instability in
a photosensitive liquid crystal cell,"
Ignacio Andrade-Silva, MG Clerc, Gregorio Gonzalez-Cortes, and
Vincent Odent,
Rev. Research 3, L022027 (2021)
169. "Light-Induced Ring Pattern in a Dye-Doped
Nematic Liquid Crystal,"
Marcel G Clerc, Gregorio Gonzalez-Cortes, Paulina I. Hidalgo,
Lucciano A. Letelier, Mauricio J. Morel and Jorge Vergara,
Sci. 11, 5285 (2021).
168. "Nonreciprocal Coupling Induced Self-Assembled
Localized Structures,"
D. Pinto-Ramos, K. Alfaro-Bittner, MG Clerc, and R.G. Rojas,
Phys. Rev. Lett.126, 194102
167. "Spatiotemporal Complexity Mediated by Higher-Order
Peregrine-Like Extreme Events,"
Saliya Coulibaly, Camus G. L. Tiofack, and Marcel G Clerc,
Front. Phys. 9, 124 (2021).
166. "Dissipative structures in a parametrically
driven dissipative lattice: Chimera, localized disorder, continuous-wave,
and staggered states,"
A.M. Cabanas, J.A. Velez, L.M. Perez, P. Diaz, MG Clerc, D. Laroze,
B.A. Malomed,
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 146,
110880 (2021).
165. "Particle-based numerical modeling of a thin
granular layer subjected to oscillating flow,"
B. Crespin, MG Clerc, G. Jara-Schulz, M. Kowalczyk,
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat.
97, 105770 (2021).
164. "Influence of stimulated Raman scattering
on Kerr domain walls and localized structures,"
(P. Parra-Rivas, S. Coulibaly, MG Clerc, and M. Tlidi),
Phys. Rev. A.
103, 013507 (2021).
163. "Traveling chimera states in continuous media,"
A.J. Alvarez-Socorro, MG Clerc, and N. Verschueren,
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer Simulat
94, 105559 (2021).
"Topological transitions in an oscillatory driven liquid crystal
Marcel G. Clerc, Michal Kowalczyk, and Valeska Zambra,
Rep. 10, 19324 (2020).
159. "Patchy landscapes in arid environments: Nonlinear
analysis of the interaction-redistribution model,"
M. Messaoudi, M.G. Clerc, E. Berrios-Caro, D. Pinto-Ramos, M.
Khaffou. Makhoute, and M. Tlidi,
Chaos 30, 093136 (2020).
158. "Interaction between vegetation patches and
gaps: A self-organized response to water scarcity,"
M. Tlidi, E. Berrios-Caro b, D. Pinto-Ramo, A.G. Vladimirov
and M.G. Clerc,
Physica D 414, 132708 (2020).
157. "Pulse propagation in a 1D array of excitable
semiconductor lasers,"
K. Alfaro-Bittner, S. Barbay, and M.G. Clerc,
30, 083136 (2020).
156. "Wandering walk of chimera states in a continuous
A.J. Alvarez-Socorro, M.G. Clerc and M.A. Ferre,
Solitons and Fractals 140, 110169 (2020).
155. "Nonlocal Raman response in Kerr resonators:Moving
temporal localized structures and bifurcation structure,"
M.G. Clerc, S. Coulibaly, P. Parra-Rivas, and M. Tlidi,
30, 083111 (2020).
154. "Colorimetry characterization of molecular
reorientation transition in thin nematic cells,"
(with M. J. Morel, U. Bortolozzo, M.G. Clerc, A. Jullien,
and S. Residori,
30, 073102 (2020).
153. "Umbilical defect dynamics in an inhomogeneous
nematic liquid crystal layer,"
V. Zambra, M.G. Clerc, R. Barboza, U. Bortolozzo, and S. Residori,
Rev. E. 101, 062704 (2020).
152. "Front propagation steered by a high-wavenumber
modulation: Theory and experiments,"
K. Alfaro-Bittner, C. Castillo-Pinto, M.G. Clerc, G. Gonzalez-Cortes,
G. Jara-Schulz, and R. G. Rojas,
Chaos 30, 053138 (2020).
151. "Weak signal enhancement by nonlinear resonance
control in a forced nano-electromechanical resonator,"
A Chowdhury, MG Clerc, S Barbay I. Robert-Philip, and R
Communications 11, 2400 (2020).
150. "Transition from nonradiative to radiative
oscillons in parametrically driven systems,"
A.J. Alvarez-Socorro, E Berrios-Caro, M.G. Clerc, and A.O. Leon,
Phys. Rev. E. 101, 052209 (2020).
149. "Chaotic motion of localized structures,"
A.J. Alvarez-Socorro, M.G. Clerc, M.A. Ferre, and E. Knobloch,
Phys. Rev. E. 101, 042212 (2020).
148. "Transition to Spatiotemporal Intermittency
and Defect Turbulence in Systems under Translational Coupling,"
F. Alvarez-Garrido, M.G. Clerc, and G. Gonzalez-Cortes
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 164101 (2020).
147. "Freak chimera states in a locally coupled
Duffing oscillators chain,"
M.G. Clerc, S Coulibaly, and MA Ferre,
Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 89, 105288 (2020).
146. "Two-dimensional optical chimera states in
an array of coupled waveguide resonators,"
M.G. Clerc, S Coulibaly, MA Ferre, and M Tlidi,
Chaos 30, 043107 (2020).
145. "On the repulsive interaction between localised
vegetation patches in scarce environments,"
E. Berrios-Caro, Marcel G. Clerc, D. Escaff, C. Sandivari, and
M. Tlidi,
Rep. 10, 5740 (2020).
144. "Noise-induced kink propagation in shallow
granular layers,"
G Jara-Schulz, MA Ferre, C Falcon, and M.G. Clerc
Chaos, solitons & Fractals 134 109677 (2020).
143. " Gapped vegetation patterns: Crown/root allometry
and snaking bifurcation,"
J Cisternas, D Escaff, M.G. Clerc, R Lefever, and M Tlidi,
Chaos, solitons & Fractals 133 109617 (2020).
141. "Photonic computing with single and coupled
spiking micropillar lasers,"
VA Pammi, K Alfaro-Bittner, M.G. Clerc, and S Barbay,
IEEE J Sel. Top. Quantum Electron 1950063 (2020).
140. "Gradient theory of domain walls in thin,
nematic liquid crystals films,"
M.G. Clerc, M Kowalczyk and P Smyrnelis,
Commun. Contemp. Math. 1950063 (2019).
139. "Extended stable equilibrium invaded by an
unstable state,"
Camila Castillo-Pinto, M.G. Clerc, and Gregorio Gonzalez-Cortes,
Rep. 9, 15096 (2019).
138. "Traveling wave into an unstable state in
dissipative oscillator chains,"
K. Alfaro-Bittner, M.G. Clerc, R.G. Rojas, and M.A. Garcia-Nustes,
Nonlinear Dyn. 98, 1391
137. "Swift-Hohenberg equation with third-order
dispersion for optical fiber resonators,"
A. Hariz, L. Bahloul, L. Cherbi, K. Panajotov, M.G. Clerc, M.A.
Ferre, B. Kostet, E. Averlant, and M. Tlidi,
Phys. Rev. A 100, 023816
136. " Front depinning by deterministic
and stochastic fluctuations: A comparison,"
A.J. Alvarez-Socorro, M.G. Clerc, M.A. Ferre, and E. Knobloch
Phys. Rev. E 99, 062226
135. "On the origin of the optical vortex
lattices in an nematic liquid crystal light valve,"
E. Calisto, M.G. Clerc, M. Kowalczyk, and P. Smyrnelis,
Opt. Letts. 44, 2947 (2019).
134. "Modeling the Lateral Wet Oxidation
of AlGa1 into Arbitrary Mesa Geometries,"
K. Alfaro-Bittner, R.G. Rojas, G. Lafleur, S. Calvez, G. Almuneau,
M.G. Clerc, and S. Barbay,
Phys. Rev. Applied 11,
044067 (2019).
133. "Front propagation transition induced
by diffraction in a liquid crystal light valve,"
A.J. Alvarez-Socorro,C. Castillo-Pinto, M.G. Clerc, G. Gonzales-Cortes,
and M. Wilson,
Optics Express 27, 12391
132. "Turbulence-Induced Rogue Waves in
Kerr Resonators,"
Saliya Coulibaly, Majid Taki, Abdelkrim Bendahmane, Guy Millot,aand
Bertrand Kibler, and Marcel G. Clerc
Phys. Rev. X 9, 011054
131. " Chaotic patterns and localized states
in spin valves,"
Ana M. Cabanas, Marcel G. Clerc, David Laroze, Alejandro O. Leon,
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 476,
589-596 (2019).
130. " Dissipative magnetic breathers induced
by time-modulated voltages,"
Alejandro O. Leon, M.G. Clerc, and Dora Altbir,
Phys. Rev. E 98,
062213 (2018).
129. " Dissipative structures induced by
photoisomerization in a dye-doped nematic liquid crystal layer,"
I. Andrade-Silva, U. Bortolozzo, C. Castillo-Pinto, M.G. Clerc,
G. Gonzalez-Cortes, S. Residori and M.Wilson,
Trans. R. Soc. A. 376, 20170382
128. " Observation and modelling of vegetation
spirals and arcs in isotropic environmental conditions: dissipative
structures in arid landscapes,"
M. Tlidi, M.G. Clerc, D. Escaff, P. Couteron,M. Messaoudi, M.
Khaffou and A. Makhoute
Trans. R. Soc. A. 376, 20180026
127. " Front propagation into an unstable
state in a forced medium: Experiments and theory,"
K. Alfaro-Bittner, C. Castillo-Pinto, M.G. Clerc, G. Gonzalez-Cortes,
R. G. Rojas, and M. Wilson,
Phys. Rev. E 98, 050201(R)
126. " Alternation of Defects and Phase
Turbulence Induces Extreme Events in an eXtended Microcavity Laser,"
Sylvain Barbay, Saliya Coulibaly, and M.G. Clerc,
Entropy 20, 789 (2018).
125. "Extended patchy ecosystems may increase
their total biomass through self-replication,"
M. Tlidi, I. Bordeu, M.G. Clerc, and D. Escaff,
Ecological Indicators 94,
534 (2018) .
124. "Chimera states in a Duffing oscillators chain
coupled to nearest neighbors"
M.G. Clerc, S. Coulibaly, M.A. Ferre, and R.G. Rojas,
CHAOS 28, 083126 (2018).
123. "Spontaneous light-induced Turing patterns
in a dye-doped twisted nematic layer"
I. Andrade-Silva, U. Bortolozzo, M.G. Clerc, G. Gonzalez-Cortes,
S. Residori, and M. Wilson,
Rep. 8, 12867 (2018).
122. "Spontaneous motion of localized structures
induced by parity symmetry
breaking transition"
A.J. Alvarez-Socorro, M.G. Clerc, and M. Tlidi
Chaos 28, 053119 (2018).
121. "Oscillating decorated interfaces in parametrically
driven systems"
E. Berrios-Caro, M.G. Clerc, M.A. Ferre, and A. O. Leon,
Phys. Rev. E 97, 012207 (2018).
120. "Symmetry Breaking and Restoration in the Ginzburg-Landau
Model of Nematic Liquid Crystals"
M.G. Clerc, Michal Kowalczyk and Panayotis Smyrnelis
J. Nonlinear Sci. 28, 1079 (2018),
119. "Phase Stochastic Resonance in a Forced Nanoelectromechanical
(with A Chowdhury, S Barbay, I Robert-Philip, and R Braive)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 234101 (2017).
118. "Pi-kink propagation in the damped Frenkel-Kontorova
(with K Alfaro-Bittner, MA Garcia-Nustes and RG Rojas)
EPL 119, 40003 (2017).
117. "Drifting cavity solitons and dissipative rogue waves
induced by time-delayed
feedback in Kerr optical frequency comb and in all fiber cavities"
(with M Tlidi, K Panajotov, M Ferre)
Chaos 27, 114312 (2017).
116. "Chimera-like states in an array ofcoupled-waveguide
(with M. A. Ferre, S. Coulibaly, R.G. Rojas, and M. Tlidi)
Opt. Lett. 42, 2906 (2017).
115. "Slanted snaking of localized Faraday waves"
(with B. Pradenas, I. Araya, C. Falcon, P. Gandhi, and E. Knobloch)
Phys. Rev. Fluids 2, 064401 (2017).
114. "Spatiotemporal chaos and two-dimensional dissipative
rogue waves in Lugiato-Lefever model"
(with K. Panajotov and M. Tlidi)
Eur. Phys. J. D 71, 176 (2017).
113. "Localized structures and spatiotemporal chaos: comparison
between the driven damped sine-Gordon and the Lugiato-Lefever
(with M.A. Ferre, S. Coulibally, R.G. Rojas, and M. Tlidi)
Eur. Phys. J. D 71, 172 (2017).
112. "Theory of light-matter interaction in nematic liquid
crystals and the second Painlevé equation"
(with Juan Diego Dávila, Micha Kowalczyk, Panayotis Smyrnelis,
Estefania Vidal-Henriquez)
Calc. Var. 56, 93 (2017).
111. "Characterization of spatiotemporal chaos in a Kerr
optical frequency comb and in all fiber cavities"
(with Z. Liu, M. Ouali, S. Coulibally, M. Taki, and M. Tlidi)
Opt. Lett. 42, 1063 (2017).
110. "Extreme events following bifurcation to spatiotemporal
chaos in a spatially
extended microcavity laser" (with Coulibaly, F. Selmi, and S.
Phys. Rev. E 95, 023816 (2017).
109. "Nonvariational mechanism of front propagation: Theory
and experiments"
(with A. J. Alvarez-Socorro, G. Gonzalez-Cortes, and M. Wilson)
Phys. Rev. E 95, 010202(R) (2017).
108. "Alternating superlattice textures in driven nanomagnets"
(with Alejandro O. Leon, David Laroze, and Ana M. Cabanas)
Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 44, 404 (2017).
107. "Optical wall dynamics induced by coexistence of
monostable and bistable spatial regions"
(with V. Odent, E. Louvergneaux, and I. Andrade-Silva)
Phys. Rev. E 94, 052220 (2016).
106. "Flaming 2π kinks in parametrically driven systems"
(with E. Berrios-Caro, and A. O. Leon)
Phys. Rev. E 94, 052217 (2016).
105. "Harnessing diffraction grating in an in-plane switching
cell submitted to zigzag lattice"
(with Vincent Odent, and Ernesto Berrios-Caro)
Applied Optics 55, 7803 (2016).
104. "Self-Replication of Localized Vegetation Patches
in Scarce Environments"
(with Ignacio Bordeu, Piere Couteron, Rene Lefever, and Mustapha
Scientific Reports 6, 33703
103. "Berry Phase of Light under Bragg Reflection by Chiral
Liquid-Crystal Media"
(with R Barboza, U Bortolozzo, and S Residori) Phys. Rev. Lett.
117, 053903 (2016)
102. "Optical textures: characterizing spatiotemporal
(with G. Gonzalez-Cortes, V. Odent, and M. Wilson) Opt. Express
24, 15478 (2016).
101. "Extreme events induced by spatiotemporal chaos in
experimental optical patterns"
(with G. Gonzalez-Cortes, and M. Wilson) Opt. Lett. 41,
2711 (2016).
100. "Light-matter interaction induces a shadow vortex"
(with R Barboza, U Bortolozzo, JD Davila, M Kowalczyk, S Residori,
and E Vidal-Henriquez)
Phys. Rev. E 93, 050201(R) (2016).
99. "Chimera-type states induced by local coupling"
(with S. Coulibaly, M. A. Ferre, M. A. Garcia-Nustes, and R. G.
Phys. Rev. E 93, 052204 (2016).
98. "Spatiotemporal Chaos Induces Extreme Events in an
Extended Microcavity Laser"
(with F. Selmi, S. Coulibaly, Z. Loghmari, I. Sagnes, G. Beaudoin,
and S. Barbay)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 013901 (2016).
97. "Asymmetric counter propagation of domain walls"
(with I. Andrade-Silva, and V. Odent)
Commun. Nonlinear. Sci. Numer. Simulat. 36, 192-203
96. "Localized plateau beam resulting from strong nonlocal
coupling in a cavity filled by metamaterials and liquid-crystal
(with M Tlidi, C Fernandez-Oto, D Escaff, and P Kockaert)
Phys. Rev. A 92, 053838 (2015).
95. "Recurrent noise-induced phase singularities in drifting
(with S Coulibaly, F del Campo, MA Garcia-Nustes, E Louvergneaux,
and M. Wilson)
Phys. Rev. E 92, 050902(R) (2015).
94. "Rodlike localized structure in isotropic pattern-forming
(with Ignacio Bordeu)
Phys. Rev. E 92, 042915
93. "Optical vortex induction via light-matter interaction
in liquid-crystal medial"
(with R. Barboza, U. Bortolozzo, S. Residori, and E. Vidal-Henriquez)
Adv. Opt. Photon. 7, 635-683 (2015)
92. "From localized spots to the formation of invaginated
labyrinthine structures in a Swift-Hohenberg model"
(with I. Bordeu, R. Lefever, M. Tlidi)
Commun. Nonlinear. Sci. Numer. Simulat. 29, 482-487
91. "Alternating spin-polarized current induces parametric
resonance in spin valves"
(with S. Coulibaly, D. Laroze, A.O. Leon, and A.S. Nunez)
Phys. Rev. B 91, 224426 (2015).
90. "Asymmetric counterpropagating fronts without flow"
(with I. Andrade-Silva, and V. Odent)
Phys. Rev. E 91, 060501(R) (2015).
89. "Transverse phase shielding solitons in the degenerated
optical parametric
(with Saliya Coulibaly, Monica A. Garcia-Nustes, Yair Zarate)
Optics Communications 354, 163-167 (2015).
88. "Traveling pulse on a periodic background in parametrically
driven systems"
(with Alejandro O. Leon and Saliya Coulibally)
Phys. Rev. E 91, 050901(R) (2015).
87. "Internal noise and system size effects induce nondiffusive
kink dynamics"
(with Diego A.C. Contreras)
Phys. Rev. E 91, 032922 (2015).
86. "Localized vegetation patterns, fairy circles, and
localized patches in arid landscapes"
(with D . Escaff, C. Fernandez-Oto, and M. Tlidi)
Phys. Rev. E 91, 022924 (2015).
85. "Spin-transfer-driven nano-oscillators are equivalent
to parametric resonators"
(with Alejandro O. Leon )
Phys. Rev. B 91, 014411 (2015).
84. "Strong interaction between plants induces circular
barren patches: fairy circles",
(with C.
Fernandez-Oto, M. Tlidi, and D. Escaff),
Trans. R. Soc. A. 372, 20140009
83. "Light-matter interaction induces a single positive
vortex with swirling arms",
(with R. Barboza, U. Bortolozzo, S. Residori, and E. Vidal-Henriquez),
Trans. R. Soc. A. 372, 20140019
82. "Plant clonal morphologies and spatial patterns as
self-organized responses to resource-limited environments",
(with P. Couteron, F. Anthelme, D. Escaff, C. Fernandez-Oto, and
M. Tlidi),
Trans. R. Soc. A. 372, 20140102
81. "Chaoticon: localized pattern with permanent dynamics",
(with N. Verschueren1, U. Bortolozzo, and S. Residori),
Trans. R. Soc. A. 372, 20140011
80. "Zig-zag wall lattice in a nematic liquid crystal
with an in-plane switching configuration",
(with I. Andrade-Silva and V. Odent),
Phys. Rev. E 90, 022504 (2014).
79. "Experimental observation of front propagation in
a negatively diffractive
inhomogeneous Kerr cavity",
(with V. Odent, M. Tlidi, P. Glorieux, and E. Louvergneaux),
Phys. Rev. A 90, 011806(R) (2014).
78. "Symmetry breaking of nematic umbilical defects through
an amplitude equation",
(with E. Vidal-Henriquez, J. D. Davila and M. Kowalczyk),
Phys. Rev. E 90, 012507 (2014).
77. "Emergence of spatiotemporal dislocation chains in
drifting patterns",
(with C. Falcon, M.A. Garcia-Nustes, V. Odent, and I. Ortega),
CHAOS 24, 023133 (2014).
76. "Photo-isomerization fronts in dye-doped nematic liquid
(with V. Odent, C. Falcon, U. Bortolozzo, E. Louvergneaux, and
S. Residori),
Opt. Lett. 39, 1861 (2014).
75. "Dissipative structures induced by spin-transfer torques
in nanopillars",
(with Alejandro O. Leon and and Saliya Coulibaly),
Phys. Rev. E 89, 022908 (2014).
74. "Propagative phase shielding solitons in inhomogeneous
(with Monica A. Garcia-Nustes and Yair Zarate), Physica D 269,
86-93 (2014).
73. "Breather soliton solutions in a parametrically driven
magnetic wire",
(with D. Urzagasti, D. Laroze, and H. Pleiner), EPL, 104,
40001 (2013).
72."Quasiperiodicity route to spatiotemporal chaos in
one-dimensional pattern-forming systems"
(with N. Verschueren)
Phys. Rev. E. 88, 052916 (2013).
71."Harnessing Optical Vortex Lattices in Nematic Liquid
(with R. Barboza, U. Bortolozzo, G. Assanto, E. Vidal-Henriquez,
and S. Residori)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 093902 (2013).
70."Spatially modulated kinks in shallow granular layers"
(with J. E. Macias, C. Falcon, and M. A. Garcia-Nustes)
Phys. Rev. E. 88 , 020201(R) (2013).
69."Phase shielding soliton in parametrically driven systems"
(with Monica A. Garcia-Nustes, Yair Zaratei, and Saliya Coulibaly)
Phys. Rev. E. 87, 052915 (2013).
68."Strong Nonlocal Coupling Stabilizes Localized Structures:
An Analysis Based on Front Dynamics"
(with C. Fernandez-Oto, D. Escaff, and M. Tlidi)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 174101 (2013).
67."Bifurcations of emerging patterns in the presence
of additive noise"
(With G. Agez, E. Louvergneaux, and R.G. Rojas),
Phys. Rev. E 87, 042919 (2013).
66."Spatiotemporal Chaotic Localized State in Liquid Crystal
Light Valve Experiments with Optical Feedback"
(with N. Verschueren, U. Bortolozzo, and S. Residori)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 104101 (2013).
65."Characterization of vortex pair interaction law and
(with R. Barboza,T. Sauma, U. Bortolozzo, G. Assanto, and S. Residori)
J. Phys. 15, 013028 (2013)
64."Pinning-depinning transition of fronts between standing
(with C. Fernandez-Oto, and S. Coulibaly )
Phys. Rev. E. 87, 012901 (2013).
63."Vortex Induction via Anisotropy Stabilized Light-Matter
(with R. Barboza, U. Bortolozzo, G. Assanto, E. Vidal-Henriquez,
and S. Residori )
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 143901 (2012).
62."Origin of the Pinning of Drifting Monostable Patterns"
(with C. Fernandez-Oto, M. A. Garcia-Nustes, and E. Louvergneaux)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 104101 (2012) .
61."Effects of translational coupling on dissipative localized
(with F. del Campo, F. Haudin, R. G. Rojas, U. Bortolozzo, and
S. Residori)
Phys. Rev. E 86, 036201 (2012).
60."Effective-parametric resonance in a non-oscillating
(with C. Falcon, C. Fernandez-Oto and E. Tirapegui)
EPL, 98, 30006 (2012).
59."Symmetry-induced pinning-depinning transition of a
subharmonic wave pattern"
(with J. Garay, I. Ortega, and C. Falcon)
Phys. Rev. E 85, 035201(R) (2012).
58. "Two-soliton precession state in a parametrically
driven magnetic wire"
(with D. Urzagasti, D. Laroze, S. Coulibaly, and H. Pleiner)
J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07D111 (2012).
57. " Localized waves in a parametrically driven magnetic
(with S. Coulibaly and D. Laroze)
EPL, 97 3000 (2012).
56. "Homoclinic Snaking of Localized Patterns in a Spatially
Forced System"
(with F. Haudin, R. G. Rojas, U. Bortolozzo and, S. Residori),
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 264101 (2011).
55. "Dissipative Localized States with Shieldlike Phase
(with Saliya Coulibaly, Monica A. Garcia-Nustes, and Yair Zarate),
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 254102 (2011).
54. "Coalescence cascade of dissipative solitons in parametrically
driven systems"
(with S. Coulibaly, L. Gordillo, N. Mujica, and R. Navarro),
Phys. Rev. E 84, 036205 (2011).
53. "Can non-propagating hydrodynamic solitons be forced
to move?"
(with L. Gordillo, T. Sauma, Y. Zarate, I. Espinoza, and N. Mujica),
Eur. Phys. J. D 62, 39-49 (2011).
52. "Vortex Emission Accompanies the Advection of Optical
Localized Structures"
(with F. Haudin, R.G. Rojas, U. Bortolozzo and S. Residori),
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 063901 (2011).
51. "Continuous description of lattice discreteness effects
in front propagation"
(with R.G. Elías, & R. G Rojas),
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 369, 412-424 (2011).
50. "A new perspective on stochastic resonance in monostable
systems" (with H. Calisto),
J. Phys. 12 113027 (2010).
49. "Analytical studies of fronts, colonies, and patterns:
Combination of the Allee effect and nonlocal competition interactions"
(with D. Escaff and V.M. Kenkre),
Phys. Rev. E 82, 036210 (2010).
48. "Control and managing of localized states in two-dimensional
systems with periodic forcing"
(with F. Haudin, S. Residori, U. Bortolozzo and R.G. Rojas),
Eur. Phys. J. D 59, 43-51 (2010).
47. "Interaction law of 2D localized precession states"
(with S. Coulibaly and D. Laroze), EPL, 90, 38005
46. "Front dynamics and pinning-depinning phenomenon in
spatially periodic media"
(with F. Haudin, R.G. Elíías, R.G. Rojas, U. Bortolozzo,
and S. Residori),
Phys. Rev. E. 81, 056203 (2010).
45. "Subharmonic wave transition in a quasi-one-dimensional
noisy fluidized shallow granular bed"
(with I. Ortega, C. Falcon, and N.Mujica),
Phys. Rev. E. 81, 046208 (2010).
44. "Localized states of parametrically driven easy-plane
ferromagnetic wire"
(with S. Coulibaly and D. Laroze),
Physica D 239, 72 (2010).
43. "Parametrically driven instabilities in quasi-reversal
(with S. Coulibaly and D. Laroze),
Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 19, 3525-3532 (2009).
42. "Dynamics of an interface connecting a stripe pattern
and a uniform state: Amended Newell-Whitehead-segel equation"
(with R. Rojas, and R.G. Elias)
Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 19, 2801-2812 (2009).
41. "Non-variational Ising-Bloch transition in parametrically
driven systems"
(with S. Coulibaly and D. Laroze)
Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 19, 2717-2726 (2009).
40. "Solitary localized structures in a liquid crystal
light-valve experiment"
(with U Bortolozzo and S Residori)
J. Phys. 11, 093037 (2009).
39. "Driven Front Propagation in 1D Spatially Periodic
(with F. Haudin, R.G. Elías, R.G. Rojas, U. Bortolozzo,
and S. Residori)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 128003 (2009).
38. "Soliton pair interaction law in parametrically driven
Newtonian fluid",
(with S. Coulibaly, N. Mujica, R. Navarro, and T. Sauma)
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 367, 3213-3226 (2009).
37. "Localized States in Bi-Pattern Systems",
(with U. Bortolozzo, F. Haudin, R.G. Rojas, and S. Residori )
in Nonlinear Optics, 926810 (2009).
36. "Local theory of the slanted homoclinic snaking bifurcation
diagram ",
(with U. Bortolozzo, and S. Residori ) Phys. Rev. E 78,
036214 (2008).
35. "Shilnikov bifurcation: Stationary quasi-reversal
bifurcation ",
(with P. Encina, and E. Tirapegui)
Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 18, 1905 - 1915 (2008).
34. "Transversal interface dynamics of a front connecting
a stripe pattern to a uniform state"
(with Daniel Escaff and Rene Rojas), Europhys. Lett. 83,
28002 (2008).
33. "Localized states beyond asymptotic parametrically
driven amplitude equation",
(with S. Coulibaly and D. Laroze)
Phys. Rev. E 77, 056209 (2008).
32. "Liquid-solid-like transition in quasi-one-dimensional
driven granular media",
(with P. Cordero, J. Dunstan, K. Huff, N. Mujica, D. Risso &
G. Varas)
Nature Physics, 4, 249-254 (2008).
31. "Universal shape law of stochastic supercritical bifurcations:
Theory and experiments",
(with Gonzague Agez, and Eric Louvergneaux)
Phys. Rev. E 77, 026218 (2008).
30. Comment on "Asymptotics of Large Bound States of Localized
(with C. Falcon and E. Tirapegui)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 049401 (2008).
29. "Pattern formation and localized structures in monoatomic
layer deposition",
(with E. Tirapegui & M. Trejo)
The European Physical Journal - Special Topics. 146, 407-426
28. " Noise induced rolls propagation",
(with D. Escaff, C. Falcon and E. Tirapegui)
The European Physical Journal - Special Topics. 143, 171-179
27. "Pattern Formation and Localized Structures in Reaction-Diffusion
Systems with Non-Fickian Transport",
(with M. Trejo and E. Tirapegui) Phys. Rev. Letts. 97,
176102 (2006).
26. "Solitary waves in van der Waals-like transition in
fluidized granular matter",
(with D. Escaff) Physica A 371, 33 (2006).
25. "Front propagation sustained by additive noise"
(with C. Falcon, E. Tirapegui) Phys. Rev. E 74, 011303
(2006) .
24. "Localized states in bistable pattern forming systems"
(with U. Bortolozzo, C. Falcon, S. Residori, and R. Rojas)
Phys. Rev. Letts. 96, 214501 (2006).
23. "Patterns and localized structures in population dynamics"
(with D. Escaff, and V. M. Kenkre) Phys. Rev. E 72,056217
22. "Localized patterns and hole solutions in one-dimensional
extended systems"
(with C. Falcon), Physica A 356, 48 (2005).
21. "Dynamics of one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard model''
(with M. Argentina, R. Rojas, E. Tirapegui) Phys. Rev. E 71,
046210- (2005).
20. "Additive noise induces Front propagation''
(with C. Falcon, E. Tirapegui) Physical Review Letters 94,
148302 (2005).
19. "Bouncing localized structures in a Liquid-Crystal-Light-Valve
(with S.Residori, and A. Petrossian) Phys. Rev. E 71,
015205-1 (2005).
18. "Fronts and localized structures in a
Liquid-Crystal-Light-Valve with optical feedback,''
(with S.Residori, A. Petrossian, T. Nagaya, C. Riera) Physica D
199, 149-165 (2004).
17. "van der Waals normal form for a one-dimensional
hydrodynamic model''
(with C. Cartes and R. Soto) Phys. Rev. E 70, 031302 (2004).
16. "Localized Structures and their Dynamics
in a Liquid-Crystal-Light-Valve with Optical Feedback" (with S.Residori,
A. Petrossian and T. Nagaya)
J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 6, S169 (2004).
15. "First-Order Fréedericksz Transition
and Front Propagation in a Liquid Crystal Light Valve with Feedback"
(with T. Nagaya, A. Petrossian, S.Residori, C. Riera)
Eur. Phys. J. D 28, 435 (2004).
14. "van der Waals-like Transition in Fluidized
Granular Matter"
(with M. Argentina, R. Soto) Physical Review Letters 89,
044301 (2002).
13. ''Zig-zag instability of an Ising wall
in liquid crystals"
(with C. Chevallard, P. Coullet, J.M. Gilli) Europhys. Lett. 58,
686-692 (2002).
12. ''Inhomogeneous Freederickz transition
in nematic liquid crystal''
(with C. Chevallard) Phys. Rev. E 65, 011708 (2002). |
11. ''Dissipation-induced instabilities
in an optical cavity laser: A mechanical analog
near the 1:1 resonance'' (with J.E. Marsden). Phys. Rev. E 64,
067603 (2001). |
10. ''Quasi-reversible instability
of closed orbits''
(with P. Coullet, N. Vandenberghe,E. Tirapegui). Phys. lett. A 287,
198 (2001). |
9. ''First-Order Freedericksz transition
in the presence of a light driven feedback''
(with S.Residori, C. Riera) Phys. Rev. E 63,
060701 (2001). |
8. ''The stationary instability in
quasi-reversible systems and the Lorenz pendulum''
(with P. Coullet, E. Tirapegui) Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos 11,
591-603 (2001). |
7. ''Bubbles interaction in Canh-Hilliard
(with H. Calisto, R. Rojas, E. Tirapegui) Physical Review Letters
85, 3805 (2000). |
6. ''Reduced description of the confined
quasi-reversible Ginzburg Landau
equation'' (with P. Coullet, E. Tirapegui)
Progress of Theoretical Physics
Supplement, 139, 337-343 (2000). |
5. ''Interface dynamics in Liquid
(with C. Chevallard, P. Coullet, J. M. Gilli) Eur. Phys. J. E
1, 179 (2000). |
4. '' Lorenz Bifurcation: Instabilities
in Quasi-reversible Systems''
(with P. Coullet, E Tirapegui) Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3820
(1999). |
3. ''Chaotic Alternation of Waves
in Ring Lasers'' (with P. Coullet)
Phys. Rev. E 60, 6589 (1999). |
2. "The Maxwell-Bloch description
of 1/1 resonances,"
(with P. Coullet, E Tirapegui) Optical Communications 167,
159 (1999). |
1. ''Reversed process and detailed
(with F. Barra, E. Tirapegui), Dynamics and stability of Systems,
12, 61 (1997). |