Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Marcel G. Clerc Gavilan   
Birth date and place: 08 November 1971, Santiago, Chile.
Citizenship Chilean.

Spanish, French, English.



Departamento de
Facultad de ciencias Fisicas y Matematicas.
Universidad de Chile.
Casilla 487-3, Santiago, Chile.

Phone:  (56 2) 2978 4676.
(56 2) 2978 4341.

Research Positions






Full Professor of Physics department at University of Chile.

Associate Professor of Physics department at University of Chile.

Assistant Professor of Physics department at University of Chile.

Postdoctoral appointment at California Institute of technology, USA, under the supervision of Jerrold Marsden.

Postdoctoral appointment at Institute Non Lineaire de Nice, France.















Ph. D. at University of Nice and Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France
Thesis ''Instabilites de systemes quasi-reversible''
(Quasi-reversible Instabilities), advisor Prof. Pierre Coullet.

Master in Physics at University of Chile at Santiago, Chile
Thesis :''Tiempo de vida de un estado metaestable''
(Escape time of a metastable state), advisor Prof. Enrique Tirapegui.


Bachelor in Physics at University of Chile at Santiago, Chile
(Facultad de ciencias Físicas y matemáticas de la Universidad
de Chile, Departamento de Físicas).


Secondary to '' Liceo de Aplicacion'', Santiago, Chile.


Research Interest Nonlinear Physics: Nonlinear Optic, Liquid Crystals, Fluid dynamics, Granular matter, Classical Mechanics, Magnetic systems, Population dynamics, self–organization of plant in ecology, Non-Equilibrium systems, Phase separation, Stochastic process, Bifurcation, and Dynamical Systems Theory.

Research Proyect

Current projects:

  • Principal investigator and adjoint director of Millennium Institute for Research in Optics (MIRO), 2018-2028.
  • Principal investigator of FONDECYT project 1210353, entitled "Transition to complex spatiotemporal dynamics: theory & experiments," (2021-2025).
  • Associate Researchers of Centro de Modelamiento Matematico (CMM), 2021-2032.

Former Project:

  • Principal investigator of FONDECYT project 1180903, entitled "Vortex Dynamics in driven nematic liquid crystals: Theory and experiments," (2018-2021).
  • Principal investigator of International cooperation program, CONICYT-USA, PII20150011, Spatially localized structures in physics: theory and applications," (2016-2019).
  • Principal investigator of REDES-150046,"Self-organization of arid and semi-arid ecosystems," (2016-2017.)
  • Principal investigator of FONDECYT project 1150507, entitled "SELF-ORGANIZATION IN PHOTO-ISOMERIZATION FRONTS", (2015-2017).
  • Principal investigator of ANR-CONICYT project ANR-39, entitled "COLORS: Control of Optical LOcalized and Rare Structures" (2011-2014).
  • Principal investigator of FONDECYT project 1120320, entitled "Defects dynamics induced by spatial forcing", (2012-2014).
  • Principal investigator of FONDECYT project 1090045, entitled "Chaoticon: the localized spatiotemporal chaos", (2009-2011).
  • Principal investigator of Ring-Program ACT15, Dynamics, Singularities and Geometry of Matter out of Equilibrium (2006-2008).
  • Principal investigator of FONDECYT project 1051117, entitled "Noise induces propagation of localized pattern" (2005-2006).
  • Principal investigator of FONDECYT project 1020782, entitled "Dynamics growth" (2003-2005).
  • Principal investigator of ECOS-CONICYT program C03E07, entitled "Localized structures and non variational effects".
  • Principal investigator of Program of Inserción de cientificos chilenos of The Andes Foundation, entitled "Dinámica de estructuras localizadas y teoría de sistemas dinámicos aplicada a problemas de transporte y mezclamiento en geofísica" (08/2001-08/2003).
  • Associated investigator of FONDAP grant 11980002, Center for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research in Materials (CIMAT).
  • Associated investigator of the associated research program "Dynamics of disordered and heterogeneous media", ACT 127 (2011-2013)

Conference Organizing

International and national committee member



  • Comité de area de Física y Astronomía, Comisión nacional de acreditación, CNA (2019-2020)
  • Grupo de estudios de Física, FONDECYT (2008-2011)
  • Comité Científico ECOS-CONICYT (2008-2016),
    Presidente del comité (2017-2020).

Currently Referee

Editor Section (2020) and editor (2020) of Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
Editor of Scientific Reports 2021
  • Physical Review (Letters, A, B, research, and E),
  • Physica A and D,
  • Physics letters A,
  • The European Physical Journal (B,D),
  • New Journal of Physics.
  • Nature communications,
  • Scientific Reports,
  • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
  • Optics Letters,
  • Optics & Laser Technology,
  • Fluctuation and Noise Letters,
  • International Journal of Stochastic Analysis,
  • Physics of Life Reviews,
  • Journal of the Society of America B,
  • Journal of physics Communications,
  • Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,
  • Chaos,
  • Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,
  • International Bifurcation and Chaos,
  • International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences,
  • Journal Applied mathematics,
  • Canadian Journal of Physics.
  • Applied Physics Letters
  • Entropy

Guest Editor for special Issue

book editor

Students and Postdocs

Currently Postdocs

  • Fernando Mellado, Universidad de Tarapaca

Former Postdocs

  • Gonzague Agez, Mesures Physiques, Université Paul Sabatier, France.
  • Rene Rojas, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso.
  • Saliya Coulibaly, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille.
  • David Laroze, Instituto de alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapaca.
  • Mónica Garcia, Ph.D Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas.
  • Mauricio Morel, Ph.D. in materials science,   Universidad de Atacama.
  • Vincent Odent, Ph.D. in Physics, University of Lille.
  • Raouf Barboza, Ph.D. in Physics, University of Nice-Sophia and University of Rome III,
  • Michel Ferre, Ph.D. in Physics. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 2016.
  • Mario Wilson, Ph.D. in Optics, Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica A.C., León, México

Currently students

  • Roberto Gajardo (Ph. D.)
  • Lucciano Letelier (M.Sc.)
  • Martin Bataille (M.Sc.)
  • Pedro Aguilera (M.Sc.)
  • Belen Hidalgo (M.Sc.)
  • Victor Fernandez (M.Sc.)

Former graduate students (Thesis defense online)

Ph. D. students:

M.Sc. students:

  1. Fabian Alvarez M.Sc. in Physics, November 2020 (Thesis) Current position: Ph. D. student at Max-Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Germany.
  2. Valeska Zambra M.Sc. in Physics, August 2020 (Thesis) Current position: Ph. D. student at Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
  3. Gladys Jara, May M.Sc in Physics, May 2020 (Thesis) Current position: Ph. D. student at Centre de Nanosciences et de Nan- otechnologies, CNRS, Universite Paris Saclay, France.
  4. Enrique Calisto, M.Sc in Physics December 2019 (Thesis) Ph. D. student at School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland.
  5. Camila Castillo M.Sc in Physics August 2019 (Thesis) Current position: Ph. D. student at Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
  6. Ernesto Berrios, M.Sc. in Physics Julio 2017 (Thesis). Ph. D. at the University of Manchester, United Kingdom.
  7. Ignacio Andrade M.Sc. in Physics September 2016 (Thesis). Ph. D. student at l'Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France 2019.
  8. Ignacio Bordeu M.Sc. in Physics August 2015 (Thesis). Ph. D. student at the Imperial College, United Kingdom 2019. postdoctoral appointment at DAMTP and The Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge. Current position: Assistent professor at Universidad de Chile.
  9. Diego Contreras M.Sc. in Physics April 2015 (Thesis). Current position: Ph. D. student at l'Ecole Normale Superieure, France.
  10. Estefania Vidal, M.Sc. in Physics March 2015 (Thesis). Ph. D. student and postdoctoral appointment at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Germany 2019.
  11. Yair Zarate, M.Sc. in Physics August 2013 (Thesis). Ph. D. student at the Australian National University, Australia.
  12. Francisco del Campo, M.Sc. in Physics July 2013 (Thesis). Current position: Associate researcher at Centro sismológico, Chile.
  13. Nicolás Verschueren, M.Sc. in Physics January 2013 (Thesis). Ph. D. at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom (2018). Postdoctoral appointment at University of California at Berkeley
  14. Cristian Fernandez-Oto M.Sc. in Physics June 2012 (Thesis). Ph. D. at the Free University of Brixells.
  15. Ignacio Ortega M.Sc. in Physics November 2010 (Thesis) Ph.D. at The University of New South Wales, 2016. Postdoctoral appointment at Universitat de les Illes Balears.
  16. Ricardo G. Elias M. Sc. in Physics September 2009 (Thesis).
    Current position: Associate researcher at Universidad de Santiago, Chile.
  17. Rodrigo Navarro M.Sc. in Physics November 2008 (Thesis). Deceased in 2008.
  18. Miguel Trejo M.Sc. in Physics September 2005 (Thesis).
    Current position: Associate researcher at Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, France.
  19. Claudio Falcon M.Sc. in Physics August 2005 (Thesis).
    Current position: Associate professor at Universidad de Chile, Chile.

Advise of undergraduate memories

  • Gonzalo Camel: Mathematical Engineering, November 2018
  • Ignacio Espinoza: BSc. in Physics, Januuary 2009
  • Rene Rojas: Mathematical Engineering, December 2001 (Thesis). Current position: Associate professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile.

























































































  1.  ''Detailed balance in Markov process'' Instabilities and Non equilibrium structures V, eds. E. Tirapegui and W. Zeller (with F. Barra, C. Huepe,   E. Tirapegui), Kluwer(1996).
  2. "Reversed process and detailed balance'' (with F. Barra, E. Tirapegui), Dynamics and stability of Systems, 12, 61 (1997).
  3. ''Lorenz Pendulum and Poincar chaos'' (with P. Coullet, J.M. Gilli,  E. Tirapegui,and N. Vandenberghe) Des Phenom nes Critiques au    Chaos (Ed. by CEA direction des Sciences de la Matiere, Saclay 1998).
  4. ''The Maxwell-Bloch description of 1/1 resonances'' (with P. Coullet,    E.Tirapegui) Optical Communications 167, 159 (1999).
  5. '' Dynamique bidirectionnelle dans le laser en anneau''(with P. Coullet) Rencontre du non-lineaire 1999, 167-112, Eds. Y. Pomeau and  R. Ribotta (Paris Onze Editions, Orsay 1999).
  6. ''Instabilite zig-zag d'une paroi d'ising dans les cristaux liquides''(with C. Chevallard, P. Coullet, J. M. Gilli) Rencontre du non-lineaire 1999, 203-207, Eds. Y. Pomeau and R. Ribotta (Paris Onze editions, Orsay 1999).
  7. ''Chaotic Alternation of Waves in Ring Lasers'' (with P. Coullet) Phys.  Rev. E 60, 6589 (1999).
  8. '' Lorenz Bifurcation: Instabilities in Quasi-reversible Systems''(with P. Coullet, E Tirapegui) Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3820 (1999).
  9. ''Interface dynamics in Liquid crystals'' (with C. Chevallard, P. Coullet,   J. M. Gilli) Eur. Phys. J. E 1, 179 (2000).
  10. ''Reduced description of the confined quasi-reversible Ginzburg    Landau equation'' (with P. Coullet, E. Tirapegui) Progress of    Theoretical Physics Supplement, 139, 337-343 (2000).
  11. ''Bubbles interaction in Canh-Hilliard equation'' (with H. Calisto, R.    Rojas, E. Tirapegui) Physical Review Letters 85, 3805 (2000).
  12. ''Dynamiques des cristaux liquides sous retro-injection optique''(with    P. Coullet, C. Riera) Rencontre du non-lineaire 2000, 257-260, Eds. Y.  Pomeau and R. Ribotta (Paris Onze Editions, Orsay 2000).
  13. "Transition de Freedericksz du premier ordre dans un cristal liquide nematique et en pr sence d'une retroaction optique.''(with S. Residori, C. Riera) Rencontre du non-lineaire 2001, 231-236, Eds. Y. Pomeau and R. Ribotta (Paris Onze Editions, Orsay 2001).
  14. ''The stationary instability in quasi-reversible systems and the Lorenz    pendulum'' (with P. Coullet, E. Tirapegui)  International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11, 591-603 (2001).
  15. ''First-Order Freedericksz transition in the presence of a light driven feedback'' (with S.Residori, C. Riera) Phys. Rev. E 63, 060701 (2001).
  16. "Quasi-Reversible instabilities of closed orbits'' (with P. Coullet, N.Vandenberghe, E. Tirapegui) Phys. Lett. A 287. 198-204 (2001)
  17. "Dissipation-induced insatability in an optical cavity laser: A mechanical analog near the 1:1 resonance'' (with Jerrold E. Marsden), Phys. Rev. E 64, 067603 (2001).
  18. " First Order Freedericksz Transition in a Liquid-Crystal-Light -Valve ", (with T. Nagaya, S. Residori, C.S. Riera) Conference Proceedings f the 6th Experimental Chaos Conference (Postdam, 21-26 July 2001).
  19. "Inhomogeneous Freederickz transition in nematic liquid crystal'' (with C. Chevallard) Phys. Rev. E 65, 011708 (2002).
  20. "Zig-Zag instability of Ising wall in liquid crystal'' (with C. Chevallard, P.Coullet, J. M. Gilli) Europhysics Lett. 58, 686-692 (2002).
  21. "van der Waals-like transition in fluidized granular matter" (with M. Argentina, R. Soto) Physical Review Letters 89, 044301 (2002).
  22. '"van der Waals-like Transition in Fluidized Granular Matter: Hydrodynamic description" (with M. Argentina, R. Soto) Kinetic theory of Granular Gases, edited by T Pschel and N. Brilliantov, Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 624 (Springer, Berlin 2003).
  23. " Front dynamics in Liquid CrystalLight Valve with feedback", (with A. Petrossian, S. Residori, C.S. Riera ) Instabilities and Non equilibrium structures IX, eds. O. Descalzi, S. Rica. J. Martinez, Kluwer (2004).
  24. '"van der Waals-like Transition in Fluidized Granular Matter: Hydrodynamic description" (with M. Argentina, R. Soto) Instabilities and Non equilibrium structures IX, eds. O. Descalzi, S. Rica. J. Martinez, Kluwer (2004).
  25. "First-Order Fréedericksz Transition and Front Propagation in a Liquid Crystal Light Valve with Feedbac" (with T. Nagaya, A. Petrossian, S.Residori, C. Riera) Eur. Phys. J. D 28, 435 (2004).
  26. "Localized Structures and their Dynamics in a Liquid-Crystal-Light-Valve with Optical Feedback" (with S.Residori, A. Petrossian and T. Nagaya) J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 6, S169 (2004).
  27. "van der Waals normal form for a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model'' (with C. Cartes and R. Soto) Phys. Rev. E 70, 031302 (2004).
  28. "Fronts and localized structures in a Liquid-Crystal-Light-Valve with optical feedback'' (with S.Residori, A. Petrossian, T. Nagaya, C. Riera) Physica D 199, 149-165 (2004).
  29. "Bouncing localized structures in a Liquid-Crystal-Light-Valve experiment" (with S.Residori, and A. Petrossian) Phys. Rev. E 171, 015205-1 (2005).
  30. "Additive noise induces Front propagation'' (with C. Falcon, E. Tirapegui,) Physical Review Letters 94, 148302 (2005).
  31. "Dynamics of one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard model.'' (with M. Argentina, R. Rojas, E. Tirapegui) Phys. Rev. E 71, 046210- (2005).
  32. "Localized patterns and hole solutions in one-dimensional extended systems" (with C. Falcon), Physica A 356, 48 (2005).
  33. "Patterns and localized structures in population dynamics" (with D. Escaff, and V. M. Kenkre) Phys. Rev. E 72,056217 (2005)
  34. "Localized states in bistable pattern forming systems" (with U. Bortolozzo, C. Falcon, S. Residori, and R. Rojas) Physical Review Letters 96, 214501 (2006).
  35. "Front propagation sustained by additive noise" (with C. Falcon, E. Tirapegui) Phys. Rev. E 74, 011303 (2006).
  36. "Solitary waves in van der Waals-like transition in fluidized granular matter", (with D. Escaff) Physica A 371, 33 (2006).
  37. "Pattern Formation and Localized Structures in Reaction-Diffusion Systems with Non-Fickian Transport", (with M. Trejo and E. Tirapegui) Phys. Rev. Letts. 97, 176102 (2006).
  38. " Noise induced rolls propagation", (with D. Escaff, C. Falcon and E. Tirapegui) The European Physical Journal - Special Topics. 143, 171-179 (2007).
  39. "Pattern formation and localized structures in monoatomic layer deposition", (with E. Tirapegui & M. Trejo) The European Physical Journal - Special Topics. 146, 407-426 (2007).
  40. Comment on "Asymptotics of Large Bound States of Localized Structures", (with C. Falcon and E. Tirapegui) Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 049401 (2008).
  41. "Universal shape law of stochastic supercritical bifurcations: Theory and experiments", (with Gonzague Agez, and Eric Louvergneaux) Phys. Rev. E 77, 026218 (2008).
  42. "Liquid-solid-like transition in quasi-one-dimensional driven granular media", (with P. Cordero, J. Dunstan, K. Huff, N. Mujica, D. Risso & G. Varas) Nature Physics, 4, 249-254 (2008).
  43. "Localized states beyond asymptotic parametrically driven amplitude equation", (with S. Coulibaly and D. Laroze) Phys. Rev. E 77, 056209 (2008).
  44. "Transversal interface dynamics of a front connecting a stripe pattern to a uniform state" (with Daniel Escaff and Rene Rojas), Europhys. Lett. 83, 28002 (2008).
  45. "Shilnikov bifurcation: Stationary quasi-reversal bifurcation ",
    (with P. Encina, and E. Tirapegui) International Journal of Bifurcation and
    Chaos 18, 1905 - 1915 (2008).
  46. "Local theory of the slanted homoclinic snaking bifurcation diagram ", (with U. Bortolozzo, and S. Residori ) Phys. Rev. E 78, 036214 (2008).
  47. "Localized States in Bi-Pattern Systems",
    (with U. Bortolozzo, F. Haudin, R.G. Rojas, and S. Residori )
    Advances in Nonlinear Optics 926810 (2009).
  48. "Soliton pair interaction law in parametrically driven Newtonian fluid",
    (with S. Coulibaly, N. Mujica, R. Navarro, and T. Sauma)
    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 367, 3213-3226 (2009).
  49. "Driven Front Propagation in 1D Spatially Periodic Media",
    (with F. Haudin, R.G. Elías, R.G. Rojas, U. Bortolozzo, and S. Residori)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 128003 (2009).
  50. "Solitary localized structures in a liquid crystal light-valve experiment"
    (with U Bortolozzo and S Residori)
    New J. Phys. 11, 093037 (2009).
  51. "Non-variational Ising-Bloch transition in parametrically driven systems"
    (with S. Coulibaly and D. Laroze), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 19, 2717-2726 (2009).
  52. "Dynamics of an interface connecting a stripe pattern and a uniform state: Amended Newell-Whitehead-segel equation"
    (with R. Rojas, and R.G. Elias)
    International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 19, 2801-2812 (2009).
  53. "Parametrically driven instabilities in quasi-reversal systems",
    (with S. Coulibaly and D. Laroze),International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 19, 3525-3532 (2009).
  54. "Localized states of parametrically driven easy-plane ferromagnetic wire"
    (with S. Coulibaly and D. Laroze), Physica D 239, 72 (2010).
  55. "Subharmonic wave transition in a quasi-one-dimensional noisy fluidized shallow granular bed", (with I. Ortega, C. Falcon, and N.Mujica),
    Phys. Rev. E. 81, 046208 (2010).
  56. "Front dynamics and pinning-depinning phenomenon in spatially periodic media" (with F. Haudin, R.G. Elías, R.G. Rojas, U. Bortolozzo, and S. Residori), Phys. Rev. E. 81, 056203 (2010).
  57. "Interaction law of 2D localized precession states"
    (with S. Coulibaly and D. Laroze), EPL, 90, 38005 (2010).
  58. "Control and managing of localized states in two-dimensional systems with periodic forcing" (with F. Haudin, S. Residori, U. Bortolozzo and R.G. Rojas), Eur. Phys. J. D 59, 43-51 (2010).
  59. "Analytical studies of fronts, colonies, and patterns: Combination of the Allee effect and nonlocal competition interactions" (with D. Escaff and V.M. Kenkre), Phys. Rev. E 82, 036210 (2010).
  60. "A new perspective on stochastic resonance in monostable systems" (with h. Calisto), New J. Phys. 12 113027 (2010).
  61. "Continuous description of lattice discreteness effects in front propagation" (with R.G. Elías, & R. G Rojas), Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 369, 412-424 (2011).
  62. "Vortex Emission Accompanies the Advection of Optical Localized Structures" (with F. Haudin, R.G. Rojas, U. Bortolozzo and S. Residori),
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 063901 (2011).
  63. "Can non-propagating hydrodynamic solitons be forced to move?"
    (with L. Gordillo, T. Sauma, Y. Zarate, I. Espinoza, and N. Mujica),
    Eur. Phys. J. D 62, 39-49 (2011).
  64. "Coalescence cascade of dissipative solitons in parametrically driven systems" (with S. Coulibaly, L. Gordillo, N. Mujica, and R. Navarro),
    Phys. Rev. E 84, 036205 (2011).
  65. "Dissipative Localized States with Shieldlike Phase Structure"
    (with Saliya Coulibaly, Monica A. Garcia-N ustes, and Yair Zarate),
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 254102 (2011).
  66. "Homoclinic Snaking of Localized Patterns in a Spatially Forced System"
    (with F. Haudin, R. G. Rojas, U. Bortolozzo and, S. Residori),
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 264101 (2011).
  67. " Localized waves in a parametrically driven magnetic nanowire"
    (with S. Coulibaly and D. Laroze)
    EPL, 97 3000 (2012).
  68. "Two-soliton precession state in a parametrically driven magnetic wire"
    (with D. Urzagasti, D. Laroze, S. Coulibaly, and H. Pleiner)
    J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07D111 (2012).
  69. ."Symmetry-induced pinning-depinning transition of a subharmonic wave pattern" (with J. Garay, I. Ortega, and C. Falcon)
    Phys. Rev. E 85, 035201(R) (2012).
  70. "Effective-parametric resonance in a non-oscillating system"
    (with C. Falcon, C. Fernandez-Oto and E. Tirapegui)
    EPL, 98, 30006 (2012).
  71. "Effects of translational coupling on dissipative localized states"
    (with F. del Campo, F. Haudin, R. G. Rojas, U. Bortolozzo, and S. Residori)
    Phys. Rev. E 86, 036201 (2012).
  72. "Origin of the Pinning of Drifting Monostable Patterns"
    (with C. Fernandez-Oto, M. A. Garcia-Nustes, and E. Louvergneaux)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 104101 (2012).
  73. "Vortex Induction via Anisotropy Stabilized Light-Matter Interaction"
    (with R. Barboza, U. Bortolozzo, G. Assanto, E. Vidal-Henriquez, and S. Residori )
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 143901 (2012).
  74. "Pinning-depinning transition of fronts between standing waves"
    (with C. Fernandez-Oto, and S. Coulibaly )
    Phys. Rev. E. 87, 012901 (2013).
  75. "Characterization of vortex pair interaction law and nonlinear"
    (with R. Barboza,T. Sauma, U. Bortolozzo, G. Assanto, and S. Residori)
    New J. Phys. 15, 013028 (2013).
  76. "Spatiotemporal Chaotic Localized State in Liquid Crystal Light Valve Experiments with Optical Feedback"
    (with N. Verschueren,U. Bortolozzo, and S. Residori)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 104101 (2013).
  77. "Bifurcations of emerging patterns in the presence of additive noise"
    (With G. Agez, E. Louvergneaux, and R.G. Rojas),
    Phys. Rev. E 87, 042919 (2013).
  78. "Strong Nonlocal Coupling Stabilizes Localized Structures: An Analysis Based on Front Dynamics" (with C. Fernandez-Oto, D. Escaff, and M. Tlidi) Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 174101 (2013).
  79. "Phase shielding soliton in parametrically driven systems"
    (with Monica A. Garcia-Nustes, Yair Zaratei, and Saliya Coulibaly)
    Phys. Rev. E. 87, 052915 (2013).
  80. "Spatially modulated kinks in shallow granular layers"
    (with J. E. Macias, C. Falcon, and M. A. Garcia-Nustes)
    Phys. Rev. E. 88 , 020201(R) (2013).
  81. "Harnessing Optical Vortex Lattices in Nematic Liquid Crystals"
    (with R. Barboza, U. Bortolozzo, G. Assanto, E. Vidal-Henriquez, and S. Residori)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 093902 (2013).
  82. "Quasiperiodicity route to spatiotemporal chaos in one-dimensional pattern-forming systems" (with N. Verschueren)
    Phys. Rev. E. 88, 052916 (2013).
  83. "Breather soliton solutions in a parametrically driven magnetic wire", ( with D. Urzagasti, D. Laroze, and H. Pleiner),
    EPL, 104, 40001 (2013).
  84. "Propagative phase shielding solitons in inhomogeneous media",
    (with Monica A. Garcia-Nustes and Yair Zarate),
    Physica D 269, 86-93 (2014).
  85. "Dissipative structures induced by spin-transfer torques in nanopillars",
    (with Alejandro O. Leon and and Saliya Coulibaly),
    Phys. Rev. E 89, 022908 (2014).
  86. "Photo-isomerization fronts in dye-doped nematic liquid crystals",
    (with V. Odent, C. Falcon, U. Bortolozzo, E. Louvergneaux, and S. Residori), Opt. Lett. 39, 1861 (2014).
  87. "Emergence of spatiotemporal dislocation chains in drifting patterns",
    (with C. Falcon, M.A. Garcia-Nustes, V. Odent, and I. Ortega),
    CHAOS 24, 023133 (2014).
  88. "Symmetry breaking of nematic umbilical defects through an amplitude equation",
    (with E. Vidal-Henriquez and J. D. Davila and M. Kowalczyk),
    Phys. Rev. E 90, 012507 (2014).
  89. "Experimental observation of front propagation in a negatively diffractive
    inhomogeneous Kerr cavity",
    (with V. Odent, M. Tlidi, P. Glorieux, and E. Louvergneaux),
    Phys. Rev. A 90, 011806(R) (2014).
  90. "Zig-zag wall lattice in a nematic liquid crystal with an in-plane switching configuration", (with I. Andrade-Silva and V. Odent),
    Phys. Rev. E 90, 022504 (2014).
  91. "Chaoticon: localized pattern with permanent dynamics",
    (with N. Verschueren1, U. Bortolozzo, and S. Residori),
    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A.  372, 20140011 (2014).
  92. "Plant clonal morphologies and spatial patterns as self-organized responses to resource-limited environments",
    (with P. Couteron, F. Anthelme, D. Escaff, C. Fernandez-Oto, and M. Tlidi),
    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A.  372, 20140102 (2014)
  93. "Light–matter interaction induces a single positive vortex with swirling arms",
    (with R. Barboza, U. Bortolozzo, S. Residori, and E. Vidal-Henriquez),
    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A372, 20140019 (2014).
  94. "Strong interaction between plants induces circular barren patches: fairy circles",
    (with C. Fernandez-Oto, M. Tlidi, and D. Escaff),
    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A.  372, 20140009 (2014).
  95. "Strong nonlocal interaction stabilizes cavity solitons with a varying size plateau" (with C Fernandez-Oto, M. Tlidi , D Escaff, and P. Kockaert)
    Proc. SPIE 9136, Nonlinear Optics and Its Applications VIII; and Quantum Optics III, 91360K (May 1, 2014)
  96. "Spin-transfer-driven nano-oscillators are equivalent to parametric resonators"
    (with Alejandro O. Leon )
    Phys. Rev. B 91, 014411 (2015).
  97. "Localized vegetation patterns, fairy circles, and localized patches in arid landscapes"
    (with D. Escaff, C. Fernandez-Oto, and M. Tlidi)
    Phys. Rev. E 91, 022924 (2015).
  98. "Internal noise and system size effects induce nondiffusive kink dynamics"
    (with Diego A.C. Contreras)
    Phys. Rev. E 91, 032922 (2015).
  99. Traveling pulse on a periodic background in parametrically driven systems"
    (with Alejandro O. Leon and Saliya Coulibally)
    Phys. Rev. E 91, 050901(R) (2015).
  100. "Transverse phase shielding solitons in the degenerated optical parametric
    (with Saliya Coulibaly, Mónica A. Garcia-Nustes, Yair Zárate)
    Optics Communications 354, 163–167 (2015).
  101. "Asymmetric counterpropagating fronts without flow"
    (with I. Andrade-Silva, and V. Odent)
    Phys. Rev. E 91, 060501(R) (2015).
  102. "From localized spots to the formation of invaginated labyrinthine structures in a Swift–Hohenberg model" (with I. Bordeu, R. Lefever, M. Tlidi) Commun. Nonlinear. Sci. Numer. Simulat. 29, 482–487 (2015).
  103. "Alternating spin-polarized current induces parametric resonance in spin valves" (with S. Coulibaly, D. Laroze, A.O. Leon, and A.S. Nunez)
    Phys. Rev. B 91, 224426 (2015).
  104. "Programable lattices of optical vortices in nematic liquid crystal"
    (with R. Barboza, U. Bortolozzo, G. Assanto, E. Vidal-Henriquez, and S. Residori) Proc. SPIE 9565, Liquid Crystals XIX, 95650L (September 5, 2015).
  105. "Optical vortex induction via light–matter interaction in liquid-crystal medial" (with R. Barboza, U. Bortolozzo, S. Residori, and E. Vidal-Henriquez) Adv. Opt. Photon. 7, 635-683 (2015).
  106. "Rodlike localized structure in isotropic pattern-forming systems"
    (with Ignacio Bordeu)
    Phys. Rev. E92, 042915 (2015).
  107. "Recurrent noise-induced phase singularities in drifting patterns"
    (with S Coulibaly, F del Campo, MA Garcia-Nustes, E Louvergneaux, and M. Wilson)
    Phys. Rev. E 92, 050902(R) (2015).
  108. "Localized plateau beam resulting from strong nonlocal coupling in a cavity filled by metamaterials and liquid-crystal cells"
    (with M Tlidi, C Fernandez-Oto, D Escaff, and P Kockaert)
    Phys. Rev. A 92, 053838 (2015).
  109. "Asymmetric counter propagation of domain walls"
    (with I. Andrade-Silva, and V. Odent)
    Commun. Nonlinear. Sci. Numer. Simulat. 36, 192–203 (2016).
  110. "Spatiotemporal Chaos Induces Extreme Events in an Extended Microcavity Laser" (with F. Selmi, S. Coulibaly, Z. Loghmari, I. Sagnes, G. Beaudoin, and S. Barbay)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 013901 (2016).
  111. "Chimera-type states induced by local coupling"
    (with S. Coulibaly, M. A. Ferre, M. A. Garcia-Nustes, and R. G. Rojas)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. E 93, 052204 (2016).
  112. "Light-matter interaction induces a shadow vortex"
    (with R Barboza, U Bortolozzo, JD Davila, M Kowalczyk, S Residori, and E Vidal-Henriquez) Phys. Rev. E 93, 050201(R) (2016).
  113. "Extreme events induced by spatiotemporal chaos in experimental optical patterns" (with G. Gonzalez-Cortes and M. Wilson) Opt. Lett. 41, 2711 (2016).
  114. "Optical textures: characterizing spatiotemporal chaos"
    (with G. Gonzalez-Cortes, V. Odent, and M. Wilson) Opt. Express24, 15478 (2016).
  115. "Berry Phase of Light under Bragg Reflection by Chiral Liquid-Crystal Media" (with R Barboza, U Bortolozzo, and S Residori, ) Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 053903 (2016).
  116. "Self-Replication of Localized Vegetation Patches in Scarce Environments"
    (with Ignacio Bordeu, Piere Couteron, René Lefever, and Mustapha Tlidi)
    Scientific Reports 6,  33703  (2016).
  117. "Harnessing diffraction grating in an in-plane switching cell submitted to zigzag lattice" (with Vincent Odent, and Ernesto Berrios-Caro)
    Applied Optics 55, 7803 (2016).
  118. "Flaming 2π kinks in parametrically driven systems"
    (with E. Berrios-Caro, and A. O. Leon)
    Phys. Rev. E 94, 052217 (2016).
  119. "Alternating superlattice textures in driven nanomagnets"
    (with Alejandro O. Leona, David Laroze, and Ana M. Cabanas)
    Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 44, 404–413 (2017).
  120. "Nonvariational mechanism of front propagation: Theory and experiments" (with A. J. Alvarez-Socorro, G. Gonzalez-Cortes, and M. Wilson) Phys. Rev. E 95, 010202(R) (2017).
  121. "Extreme events following bifurcation to spatiotemporal chaos in a spatially extended microcavity laser" (with Coulibaly, F. Selmi, and S. Barbay) Phys. Rev. E 95, 023816 (2017).
  122. "Characterization of spatiotemporal chaos in a Kerr optical frequency comb and in all fiber cavities" (with Z. Liu, M. Ouali, S. Coulibally, M. Taki, and M. Tlidi) Opt. Lett. 42, 1063 (2017).
  123. "Theory of light-matter interaction in nematic liquid crystals and the second Painlevé equation" (with Juan Diego Dávila, Michal Kowalczyk, Panayotis Smyrnelis, Estefania Vidal-Henriquez) Calc. Var. 56, 93 (2017).
  124. "Localized structures and spatiotemporal chaos: comparison between the driven damped sine-Gordon and the Lugiato-Lefever model"
    (with M.A. Ferre, S. Coulibally, R.G. Rojas, and M. Tlidi)
    Eur. Phys. J. D 71, 172 (2017).
  125. "Spatiotemporal chaos and two-dimensional dissipative rogue waves in Lugiato-Lefever model" (with K. Panajotov and M. Tlidi)
    Eur. Phys. J. D 71, 176 (2017).
  126. "Slanted snaking of localized Faraday waves"
    (with B. Pradenas, I. Araya, M.G. Clerc, C. Falcon, P. Gandhi, and E. Knobloch)
    Phys. Rev. Fluids 2, 064401 (2017).
  127. "Chimera-like states in an array ofcoupled-waveguide resonators"
    (with M. A. Ferre, S. Coulibaly, R.G. Rojas, and M. Tlidi)
    Opt. Lett. 42, 2906 (2017).
  128. "Drifting cavity solitons and dissipative rogue waves induced by time-delayed feedback in Kerr optical frequency comb and in all fiber cavities" (with M Tlidi, K Panajotov, M Ferre)
     Chaos 27,  114312 (2017).
  129. "Pi-kink propagation in the damped Frenkel-Kontorova model"
    (with K Alfaro-Bittner, MA Garcıa-Nustes and RG Rojas)
     EPL 119,  40003 (2017).
  130. "Phase Stochastic Resonance in a Forced Nanoelectromechanical Membrane" (with A Chowdhury, S Barbay, I Robert-Philip, and R Braive)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 234101 (2017).
  131. "Symmetry Breaking and Restoration in the Ginzburg–Landau Model of Nematic Liquid Crystals" (with Michal Kowalczyk and Panayotis Smyrnelis) J. Nonlinear Sci. 28, 1079 (2018), .
  132. "Oscillating decorated interfaces in parametrically driven systems"
    (with E. Berrios-Caro, M.A. Ferre, and A. O. Leon)
    Phys. Rev. E 97, 012207 (2018).
  133. "Spontaneous motion of localized structures induced by parity symmetry breaking transition" (
    with A.J. Alvarez-Socorro, and M. Tlidi)
    Chaos 28, 053119 (2018).
  134. "Spontaneous light-induced Turing patterns in a dye-doped twisted nematic layer"
    (with I. Andrade-Silva, U. Bortolozzo, G. Gonzalez-Cortes, S. Residori, and M. Wilson)
    Sci. Rep. 8, 12867 (2018)
  135. "Chimera states in a Duffing oscillators chain coupled to nearest neighbors"  (with S. Coulibaly, M.A. Ferre, and R.G. Rojas) CHAOS 28, 083126 (2018)
  136. "Extended patchy ecosystems may increase their total biomass through selfreplication," (with M. Tlidi, I. Bordeu, and D. Escaff), Ecological Indicators 94, 534–543 (2018) .
  137. "Alternation of Defects and Phase Turbulence Induces Extreme Events in an eXtended Microcavity Laser", (with Sylvain Barbay and Saliya Coulibaly)
    Entropy  20, 789 (2018)
  138. "Front propagation into an unstable state in a forced medium: Experiments and theory",
    (with K. Alfaro-Bittner, C. Castillo-Pinto, G. González-Cortés, R. G. Rojas, and M. Wilson)
    Phys. Rev. E 98, 050201(R) (2018).
  139. "Observation and modelling of vegetation spirals and arcs in isotropic environmental conditions: dissipative
    structures in arid landscapes",
    (with M. Tlidi, D. Escaff, P. Couteron,M. Messaoudi, M. Khaffou and A. Makhoute)
    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A376, 20180026 (2018).
  140. "Dissipative structures induced by photoisomerization in a dye-doped nematic liquid crystal layer", (with I. Andrade-Silva, U. Bortolozzo, C. Castillo-Pinto, G. González-Cortés, S. Residori and M.Wilson) Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A376, 20170382 (2018).
  141. " Dissipative magnetic breathers induced by time-modulated voltages,"
    (with Alejandro O. Leon,and Dora Altbir)
    Phys. Rev. E   98, 062213 (2018).
  142. " Chaotic patterns and localized states in spin valves,"
    (with Ana. M. Cabanas, David Laroze, Alejandro O. Leon) J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 476, 589-596 (2019).
  143. "Turbulence-Induced Rogue Waves in Kerr Resonators,"
    (with Saliya Coulibaly, Majid Taki, Abdelkrim Bendahmane, Guy Millot,aand Bertrand Kibler)
    Phys. Rev. X 9, 011054 (2019).
  144. "Front propagation transition induced by diffraction in a liquid crystal light valve,"  (with A.J. Alvarez-Socorro, C. Castillo-Pinto, G. Gonzales-Cortes, and M. Wilson) Optics Express 27, 12391 (2019).
  145. "Modeling the Lateral Wet Oxidation of AlGa1 into Arbitrary Mesa Geometries,"
    (with K. Alfaro-Bittner, R.G. Rojas, G. Lafleur,S. Calvez, G. Almuneau, and S. Barbay) Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 044067 (2019)
  146. "On the origin of the optical vortex lattices in an ematic liquid crystal light valve,"
    (with E. Calisto, M. Kowalczyk, and P. Smyrnelis)
    Opt. Letts. 44, 2947 (2019).
  147. " Front depinning by deterministic and stochastic fluctuations: A comparison,"
    (with A.J. Alvarez-Socorro, M.A. Ferree, and E. Knobloch) Phys. Rev. E 99, 062226 (2019)
  148. " Swift-Hohenberg equation with third-order dispersion for optical fiber resonators,"
    (with A. Hariz, L. Bahloul, L. Cherbi, K. Panajotov, M.A. Ferre, B. Kostet, E. Averlant, and M. Tlidi)
    Phys. Rev. A 100, 023816 (2019).
  149. "Traveling wave into an unstable state in dissipative oscillator chains," (with K. Alfaro-Bittner, R.G. Rojas, and M.A. Garcia-Nustes)  Nonlinear Dyn. 98, 1391 (2019).
  150. "Extended stable equilibrium invaded by an unstable state," (with Camila Castillo-Pinto and Gregorio González-Cortés) Sci. Rep. 9, 15096 (2019).
  151. "Gradient theory of domain walls in thin, nematic liquid crystals films," (with M Kowalczyk and P Smyrnelis)
    Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 1950063 (2019).
  152. Photonic computing with single and coupled spiking micropillar lasers," (with VA Pammi, K Alfaro-Bittner, and S Barbay)
    IEEE J Sel. Top. Quantum Electron 1950063 (2020).
  153. "Time-delayed nonlocal response inducing traveling temporal localized structures," (with S Coulibaly, and M Tlidi)
    Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013024 (2020).
  154. "Gapped vegetation patterns: Crown/root allometry and snaking bifurcation,"(with J Cisternas, D Escaff, R Lefever, and M Tlidi)
    Chaos, solitons & Fractals 133 109617 (2020).
  155. "Noise-induced kink propagation in shallow granular layers,"
    (with G Jara-Schulz, MA Ferré, and  C Falcón)
    Chaos, solitons & Fractals 134 109677 (2020).
  156. "On the repulsive interaction between localised vegetation patches in scarce environments," (with E. Berríos-Caro, D. Escaff, C. Sandivari, and  M. Tlidi)
    Sci. Rep. 10,  5740  (2020).
  157. "Two-dimensional optical chimera states in an array of coupled waveguide resonators," (with S Coulibaly, MA Ferré, and M Tlidi)
    Chaos 30, 043107 (2020).
  158. "Freak chimera states in a locally coupled Duffing oscillators chain," (with S Coulibaly, and MA Ferré)
    Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 89, 105288 (2020).
  159. "Transition to Spatiotemporal Intermittency and Defect Turbulence in Systems under Translational Coupling," (with F. Alvarez-Garrido,  and G. Gonzalez-Cortes)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 164101 (2020).
  160. "Chaotic motion of localized structures,"
    (with  A.J. Alvarez-Socorro, M.A. Ferre, and E. Knobloch)
    Phys. Rev. E. 101, 042212 (2020).
  161. "Transition from nonradiative to radiative oscillons in parametrically driven systems,"
    (with  A.J. Alvarez-Socorro, E Berríos-Caro, and A.O. Leon)
    Phys. Rev. E. 101, 052209 (2020).
  162. "Weak signal enhancement by nonlinear resonance control in a forced nano-electromechanical resonator,"
    (with  A Chowdhury  S Barbay I. Robert-Philip, and R Braive)
    Nature Communications  11, 2400 (2020).
  163. "Front propagation steered by a high-wavenumber modulation: Theory and experiments," (with  K. Alfaro-Bittner, C. Castillo-Pinto, G. González-Cortés, G. Jara-Schulz, and R. G. Rojas)
    Chaos 30, 053138 (2020).
  164. "Umbilical defect dynamics in an inhomogeneous nematic liquid crystal layer,"c(with  V Zambra, R. Barboza, U. Bortolozzo, and S. Residori), Phys. Rev. E. 101, 062704 (2020).
  165. "Colorimetry characterization of molecular reorientation transition in thin nematic cells,"
    (with  M. J. Morel, U. Bortolozzo,  A. Jullien, and S. Residori),
    Chaos 30, 073102 (2020).
  166. "Nonlocal Raman response in Kerr resonators:Moving temporal localized structures and bifurcation structure,"
    (with  S. Coulibaly, P. Parra-Rivas, and M. Tlidi),
    Chaos 30, 083111 (2020).
  167. "Wandering walk of chimera states in a continuous medium,"
    (with  A.J. Alvarez-Socorro, M.A. Ferre),
    Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 140, 110169 (2020).
  168. "Pulse propagation in a 1D array of excitable semiconductor lasers,"
    (with K. Alfaro-Bittner, S. Barbay),
    Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 140, 083136 (2020).
  169. "Interaction between vegetation patches and gaps: A self-organized response to water scarcity," (with M. Tlidi, E. Berrios-Caro b, D. Pinto-Ramo, A.G. Vladimirov),
    Physica D 414, 132708 (2020).
  170. "Patchy landscapes in arid environments: Nonlinear analysis of the interaction-redistribution model," (with M. Messaoudi, E. Berrios-Caro, D. Pinto-Ramos, M. Khaffou. Makhoute, and M. Tlidi),
    Chaos 30, 093136 (2020).
  171. "Topological transitions in an oscillatory driven liquid crystal cell,"
    (with Michal Kowalczyk, and Valeska Zambra),
    Sci. Rep. 10, 19324 (2020).
  172. "Magnetic field-induced vortex triplet and vortex lattice in a liquid crystal cell," (with Enrique Calisto and Valeska Zambra),
    Phys. Rev. Research 2, 042026(R) (2020)
  173. "Labyrinthine patterns transitions,"
    (with S. Echeverría-Alar),
    Phys. Rev. Research 2, 042036(R) (2020)
  174. "Traveling chimera states in continuous media,"
    (with A.J. Alvarez-Socorro and N. Verschueren),
    Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 94, 105559 (2021)
  175. "Influence of stimulated Raman scattering on Kerr domain walls and localized structures," (P. Parra-Rivas, S. Coulibaly, and M. Tlidi),
    Phys. Rev. A. 103, 013507 (2021).
  176. "Particle-based numerical modeling of a thin granular layer subjected to oscillating flow,"
    (B. Crespin, G. Jara-Schulz, M. Kowalczyk),
    Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 97, 105770 (2021).
  177. "Dissipative structures in a parametrically driven dissipative lattice: Chimera, localized disorder, continuous-wave, and staggered states,"
    A.M. Cabanas, J.A. Velez, L.M. Pérez, P. Díaz, D. Laroze, B.A. Malomed, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 146, 110880 (2021).
  178. "Spatiotemporal Complexity Mediated by Higher-Order Peregrine-Like Extreme Events," Saliya Coulibaly, and Camus G. L. Tiofack,
    Frontiers in Physics 9, 124 (2021).
  179. "Nonreciprocal Coupling Induced Self-Assembled Localized Structures,"
    D. Pinto-Ramos, K. Alfaro-Bittner, and R.G. Rojas,
    Phys. Rev. Lett.126, 194102 (2021).
  180. "Light-Induced Ring Pattern in a Dye-Doped Nematic Liquid Crystal,"
    Gregorio Gonzalez-Cortes, Paulina I. Hidalgo, Lucciano A. Letelier, Mauricio J. Morel and Jorge Vergara,
    Appl. Sci. 11, 5285 (2021).
  181. "Light beam induced finger instability in a photosensitive liquid crystal cell," Ignacio Andrade-Silva, Gregorio Gonzalez-Cortes, and Vincent Odent, Phys. Rev. Research 3, L022027 (2021).
  182. "A quasi-periodic route to chaos in a parametrically driven nonlinear medium,"
    A.M. Cabanas, R. Rivas, L.M. Pérez, J.A. Vélez, P. Díaz, H. Pleiner, D Laroze, B.A. Malomed, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 151, 111089 (2021).
  183. "Moving spiral wave chimeras,"
    M. Bataille-Gonzalez and O.E. Omel´chenko
    Phys. Rev. E 104, L022203 (2021).
  184. "Localised labyrinthine patterns in ecosystems,"
    Echeverría-Alar and M. Tlidi, Scientific Reports 11, 18331 (2021).
  185. "Nonlinear Localization of Dissipative Modulation Instability,"
    AU Nielsen, Y Xu, C Todd, M Ferre, S. Coen, SG. Murdoch, and M Erkintalo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 123901 (2021).
  186. "Localized standing waves induced by spatiotemporal forcing,"
    P. J. Aguilera-Rojas, G. Gonzalez-Cortes, and G. Jara-Schulz,
    Phys. Rev. E 104, 044209 (2021).
  187. "Chaos on a saturable optical dimer,"
    R. A. Vicencio, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 153, 111488 (2021).
  188. "Localized states with nontrivial symmetries: Localized labyrinthine patterns," S. Echeverria-Alar, and M. Tlidi
    Phys. Rev. E 105, L012202 (2022).
  189. "Vortices nucleation by inherent fluctuations in nematic liquid crystal cells,"
    Esteban Aguilera and Valeska Zambra
    Nonlinear Dyn. (2022).
  190. "Localized dissipative vortices in chiral nematic liquid crystal cells,"
    G. González-Cortés , and S. Echeverría-Alar
    Phys. Rev. Research 4, L022021 (2022)
  191. "Finger front propagation in smectic-A Fréedericksz transition,"
    G. González-Cortés, Mauricio J. Morel, P. I. Hidalgo, and J. Vergara
    Phys. Rev. E 105, 054701 (2022).
  192. "Precursors-driven machine learning prediction of chaotic extreme pulses in Kerr resonators,"
    S. Coulibaly, F. Bessin, and A. Mussot, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 160, 112199 (2022).
  193. "Dancing vortices in a driven nematic liquid crystal cell: Theory and experiment," M. Ferre, R. Gajardo-Pizarro , and V. Zambra,
    Phys. Rev. E 106, L012201 (2022).
  194. 183. "Voltage-driven multistability and chaos in magnetic films,"
    Susana Contreras-Celada, Saliya Coulibaly, Rene G. Rojas, Alejandro O. Leon, J. Magn. Magn. Mater 562, 169793 (2022).
  195. "Vegetation covers phase separation in inhomogeneous environments,"
    D. Pinto-Ramos, S. Echeverria-Alar, and M. Tlidi
    Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 163, 112518 (2022).
  196. "Computing using pulse collisions in lattices of excitable microlasers,"
    L. Soun, K. Alfaro-Bittner, and S. Barbay
    Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 164, 112537 (2022).
  197. "Fronts connecting stripe patterns with a uniform state: Zigzag coarsening dynamics, and pinning effect," Daniel Escaff and René G. Rojas
    Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 165, 112775 (2022).
  198. "Concentric ring patterns beyond Turing instability,"
    S. Echeverria-Alar , L.A. Letelier, and C. Núñez-Barra,
    Phys. Rev. Research 5, L012007 (2023)
  199. "The universal law of the front speed close to disappearance of bistability," P.J. Aguilera-Rojas, K. Alfaro-Bittner, G. González-Cortés, and R.G. Rojas, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 169, 113241 (2023).
  200. "Emergence of disordered branching patterns in confined chiral nematic liquid crystals," Sebastián Echeverría-Alar and Ignacio Bordeu, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 120, 2221000120 (2023).
  201. "Effect of heterogeneous environmental conditions on labyrinthine vegetation patterns," Sebastián Echeverría-Alar, D. Pinto-Ramos ,and M. Tlidi, Phys. Rev. E, 107, 054219 (2023).
  202. "Extreme Events Prediction from Nonlocal Partial Information in a Spatiotemporally Chaotic Microcavity Laser"
    V.A. Pammi, M.G. Clerc, S. Coulibaly, and S. Barbay,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 223801 (2023).
  203. "Chirality transfer to harness mesophase transitions in liquid crystal mixtures containing an oxadiazole derivative"
    MG Clerc, AH Cornejo, S Echeverría-Alar, G González-Cortés, PI Hidalgo, PJ Luo, MJ Morel, J Vergara, and M Wilson
    Liquid Crystals, DOI: 10.1080/02678292.2023.2226626
  204. ."Giant boundary layer induced by nonreciprocal coupling in discrete systems" D. Pinto-Ramos, K. Alfaro-Bittner, M.G. Clerc, R.G. Rojas
    Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 125, 107391 (2023).
  205. "Isolas of localized structures and Raman-Kerr frequency combs in micro-structured resonators" M. Tlidi, M. Bataille-Gonzalez, M.G. Clerc, L. Bahloul, S. Coulibaly, B. Kostet, C. Castillo-Pinto, K. Panajotov Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 174, 113808 (2023)
  206. "Topological defects law for migrating banded vegetation patterns in arid climates" D. Pinto-Ramos, M. G. Clerc, and M. Tlidi
    Sci. Adv., 9, eadf6620 (2023).
  207. "Traveling spiral wave chimeras in coupled oscillator systems: emergence, dynamics, and transitions"
    M Bataille-Gonzalez, M G Clerc, E Knobloch and Omel´chenko,
    New J. Phys. 25, 103023 (2023)
  208. 197."Transition from traveling to motionless pulses in semiconductor lasers with saturable absorber"
    F.R. Humire, K. Alfaro-Bittner, M.G. Clerc, R.G. Rojas
    Physica D 458, 133994 (2024).
  209. Non-linear and non-local plant-plant interactions in arid climate: Allometry,criticality and desertification"
    M. Tlidi, M. Messaoudi, A. Makhoute, D. Pinto-Ramos, M.G. Clerc,
    Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 178, 114311 (2024).
  210. "Experimental characterization of quasiperiodic route to chaos in a VECSEL with SESAM" Camila Castillo-Pinto, Marcel Clerc, Heidi Ottevaere, AND Krassimir Panajotov,
    Optics Letters 49, 383 (2024).
  211. "Faraday kinks connecting parametric waves in magnetic wires"
    Alejandro O. Leon a, Ernesto Berrios-Caro, Alejandra Leon, and Marcel G. Clerc, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 131, 107841 (2024).
  212. "Topological transition between disordered patterns through heating rate-induced defect emergence" Victor Fernandez-Gonzalez, Sebastian Echeverria-Alar, Jorge Vergara, Paulina I. Hidalgo, Marcel G. Clerc
    Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 180, 114508 (2024).
  213. "Fingerprint pattern bi-turbulence in a driven dissipative optical system"
    P.J. Aguilera-Rojas, M.G. Clerc, S. Echeverría-Alar, Y. Soupart, M. Tlidi, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 182, 114851 (2024).
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