Universidad de Chile

Departamento de Ingeniería Civil
División de Recursos Hídricos y Medio Ambiente

Our interest focuses on developing knowledge and tools for the modeling, simulation and analysis of transport processes of mass, heat, energy and momentum in natural aquatic systems, particularly lakes, reservoirs, estuaries, and coastal zones.

Our research is based on field studies, laboratory experiments, and the development of simulation models. The scope of research topics includes the structure of turbulence in surface water systems, thermo-hydrodynamic processes in lakes and reservoirs, mixing processes, dispersion and salinity intrusion in estuaries, mass exchange at the water-sediment interface and gas exchange at the air-water interface, sediment transport and fluvial morphology in rivers, and debries flow phenomena, among others. Based on the interaction with researchers from the Ecological Sciences Department of the University of Chile, we have extended our research to study some aspects of the ecology of lakes and reservoirs, by applying integrated models of physical, chemical and biological processes taking place in these systems. We have applied our methods of analysis and models to study a number of Chilean aquatic systems, including Rapel and Peñuelas reservoirs, Chungará, Villarrica and Budi lakes and the estuaries of Maipo and Valdivia rivers.

Yarko Niño

Aldo Tamburrino

Coriolis Effects on Stratified Lakes

Benthic Boundary Layer

Hydrodynamics of Environmental Flows

Air-water Interface

Apr., 2008
Ph.D. en Fluidodinámica